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Identifying Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence

Emotional Abuse And Domestic Violence

What is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional Abuse is a type of domestic violence that is classified as the verbal or emotional debasement directed at one or both partners participatory in a romantic relationship; although this type of domestic violence can be the most difficult to define, it is nonetheless an extremely serious offense, typically resulting in devastation, pain, and injury sustained by the victim of emotional abuse:

In certain cases, brief mentions of emotional abuse may be the only available signs suggesting that emotional or psychological abuse of this nature is taking place; in contrast, other individuations of emotional abuse may present themselves through vast changes in personality, avoidance of subject matter, as well as excuses set forth with regard to shifts in behavior

However, due to the fact that emotional abuse is largely difficult in its identification, the testimony of the victim is considered to be the primary gateway through which emotional abuse is explored and prevented

Certain victims of abuse may not be aware of the emotional abuse foisted upon them; emotional or psychological abuse entails any non-physical behavior to which an individual is exposed that results in duress, psychological damage, emotional trauma, or intimidation

Identifying Emotional Abuse

Despite the alarming rate of emotional abuse facilitated through domestic violence, almost half of domestic violence abuses are not reported; due to the fact that both psychological and emotional Abuse is largely difficult to identify, the testimony and reports offered by victims of emotional abuse serve as the primary facilitation of efforts undertaken in order to put a stop to victimization from domestic violence.

However, it is not uncommon for victims of emotional abuse to refrain from reporting their respective victimization as a result of a variety of negative emotions, including fear, guilt, or anger; the following methods may be undertaken with regard to the identification of emotional abuse sustained by an individual victim:

In many cases, victims of emotional abuse will undergo a rampant and noticeable change in their respective personality; this can be illustrated through the avoidance of social interaction, the refusal to allow friends or family members entry into the residence in which the abuser lives, as well as the fabrication of events within their respective daily undertakings

In other cases, victims of emotional abuse may volunteer information in an indirect fashion, which include the passing mention of abuse sustained – or threats received – by the individual victim; in addition, the presentation of spurious excuses and validation expressed by a victim of mental abuse with regard to their abusive partner are not uncommon

Assistance for Victims of Emotional Abuse

If you feel as though you have been subjected to Emotional Abuse - or are currently a victim of Emotional Abuse within a romantic partnership - you are encouraged to contact their local authorities or law enforcement department in order to report the details of the offense. Remember - the opportunity to report Domestic Violence offenses in an anonymous fashion is also available to you upon contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline through their 24-hour telephone number: (800) 799-7233

NEXT: Identifying Mental Abuse within Domestic Violence Cases

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